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About the Shul

Shomrai Shabbos-Chevrah Mishnayos is fortunate to have an active membership and enthusiastic volunteers who are dedicated to furthering the Shul’s long term commitment to Torah, Avodah and Gemilas Chasidim, as well as meeting the Shul’s day to day needs.

A Brief History


During the latter part of the nineteenth century, Toronto experienced an influx of Jewish émigrés from Galicia, Poland. In order to maintain their distinct minhagim and customs, these newcomers founded their own Shul in 1888. The Congregation, called Shomrai Shabbos Anshei Estreich-Minhag Sefard, was the fourth Synagogue established in Toronto. For the first ten years, the congregation was housed in various rented locations along Richmond Street.

Shomrai Shabbos purchased its first permanent location in 1899. This newly acquired building was located on Chestnut Street and had seating for 100 men and a balcony for women. A year later, the Shul made the historic move of bringing its first Rav to Toronto. HaRav Yosef Weinreb ZT”L of Busk, Galicia. For thirty years, the Shul grew and developed at this location, until the early 1930’s, when the neighbourhood began to change and the Shul decided to move.


In 1933, the Shul moved to the corner of Brunswick and Sussex. This new location was significantly larger, with room for 300 seats. HaRav Weinreb ZT”L passed away in 1942 and the Shul continued without a Rav until 1950, when HaRav Gedalia Felder ZT”L of Istrik Galicia, assumed the position. Shomrai Shabbos was once again a center of Jewish life until the 1960’s when the Jewish community started to move north.


HaRav Felder ZT”L who had secured a bequest from the Franklin/Robinson Estate, led the drive to relocate the Shul to its current location in 1965. At that time, Mr. Sol Kling A.H. was the Shul President and Mr. Harry Marder was chairman of the Building Committee.

During  these years, the Shul continued its growth and expansion. In 1976 Shomrai Shabbos amalgamated with Chevrah Mishnayos, an old downtown Shul, thereby creating its present name.

Five years later, the Shul expanded, adding a new wing, housing a large Bais HaMedrash, a library, offices and a classroom. This addition became a permanent location for the Toronto Bais Din for Gittin (divorce), which was established by HaRav Felder ZT”L. Following four decades of distinguished leadership of the Shul and the Toronto Jewish community, HaRav Gedalia Felder ZT”L passed away in 1991. His youngest son, HaRav Yacov Felder, who had been the Assistant Rabbi for five years, assumed the position as Rav of the Shul.


From 2005 to 2009, the Shul embarked on an ambitious renovation and expansion that has resulted in a magnificent Ohel Kodesh that can facilitate the array of daily minyanim, shiurim learning and other programs, as well as beautifully updated facilities for member and community functions. In 2016, the interior of the Main Shul was renovated and is now called Ohel Avraham.





One hundred and thirty years of Toronto Jewish life lies in the history of our Shul, the oldest Orthodox congregation in Toronto. Shomrai Shabbos-Chevrah Mishanyos Congregation, with a rich and beautiful past, looks forward to the next one hundred and twenty years of growth, development, and continued contribution to the Jewish community in Toronto.



2021 Executive and Board of Directors


Eli Bienenstock    (President)
Shimmy Bernstein  (Past President)
Yaakov Gottlieb  (Beis Medrash programming Liaison)
Shlomo Marder (Chevrah Kaddisha)
Yossi Marder (Secretary)
Ari Messinger  (Councilor 1)
Yossi Reichmann (House Chair) 
Leiby Weiss (Gabbai)
Ariah Schattner  (Councilor 2)
Elli Schochet     (Councilor 3)
Aaron Wagschal (Treasurer)




Aaron Abramson
Ben Bensimon
Aryai Blau
Richie Cohen

Ariel Dorfman
David Goldreich
Abe Gottesman
Brian Gottlieb
Jack Hakoun
Stuart Hytman
Yisroel Jacobs
Chanani Kleinman
Yitz Levinson

Netanel Lichtenstein
Sam Lighstone
Ira Marder
Motti Meijer
Zev Rosenblum
Murray Rosenthal
Jonathan Rubin

Chaim Rutman
Jay Spitzer

Shaya Spitzer

Lawrence Weinberg



Contact the President


Sat, January 18 2025 18 Teves 5785