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Shul Programs

Through our various Shul programs, our goal is to offer everyone in our Kehillah a place to engage to in Torah learning of all levels, an uplifting atmosphere for Avodah, to provide opportunities for Gemilas Chassadim and to feel part of our collective family.

Shabbos - Hashkamah Minyan

Takes place every Shabbos morning in the Reiter Bais Hamedrash and is well attended by those who enjoy early davening followed by a shiur by Rabbi Yossi Weitman.


Shabbos - Young Members Minyan

Led by Rabbi Tzvi Heber, a chance for young members and couples who have been married for less than seven years to get to know each other and the Shul in a relaxed setting.


Simchas Bais Hashoeivah

In the Ohel Sarah Shul Succah (weather permitting!), all adults are welcome to come and enjoy music/food/simcha. This is a well attended and much enjoyed annual event.


Adult Chanukah and Purim Parties

An enjoyable event not to be missed for adults of all ages. Live entertainment, music, food, and a relaxed social atmosphere.


Summer Shul BBQ

Held every Labour Day weekend, an event for all ages, barbeque, hot dogs, hamburgers, freezies… everything you want at a barbeque. Games and prizes for children of all ages.


Neilas Hachag

Held on the last day of each Yom Tov (Succos, Pesach and Shavuos) between Mincha and Maariv downstairs in the Horenfeldt Social Hall. Beautiful Divrei Torah and singing as we say goodbye to the Yom Tov.


Annual Seudah Shlishis on the Yahrezeit of Harav Gedalia Felder ZTL

Held annually to mark the yahrezeit of our late Rav zt”l with a special keynote speaker. All members are invited to attend.


The Horenfeldt MP3 Library

The shul’s original tape library was donated in memory of Ezzy and Yetta Horenfeldt A.H. The tape library is now a comprehensive electronic database located in the Shiur Room off the Reiter Beis Medrash. Shiurim on a variety of interesting and timely topics are available, including Rabbi Berel Wein’s history series, Rabbi Frand’s Parsh series, Rabbi U. Milevsky and Rabbi Y. Reisman’s Nach series.


Roth Book Library

Our shul has a wonderful selection of English language books on a wide variety of Jewish topics.


Yesodeh Yeshurin Seforim Project

Reprinted Seforim of Rabbi Gedalia Felder zt”l are presented to boys and girls throughout the city. Boys receive their sefer at the time of their bar mitzvah through their shul. Girls receive their sefer at the time of their graduation from elementary school. This program has been in existence since the petirah of Rabbi Felder in an effort to disseminate the torah of Rabbi Felder to the younger generation and memorialize Rabbi Felder zt”l.


The Mezzuzah Gemach

A new gemach has been established in memory of Rochel Mirel Felder and Pessy Heinenman Hendler. This gemach lends mezuzos to people on a temporary basis.


Tzedakah/Maos Chitim Campaign

The shul is proud to run a bi-annual Tzedakah Campaign for Yomim Tovim. The majority of the funds collected are distributed locally, with a portion sent to Eretz Yisroel.


Sat, January 18 2025 18 Teves 5785