Our dedicated Youth Program works year round to develop quality, inspirational programs and events for youth of all ages. Find out what we’re up to! Keep a lookout for updates on the Youth Boards in the Main Shul lobby and Upstairs as well as in the Youth Newsletter.
The Shul is thankful for the efforts of our Youth Coordinators, Mr. and Mrs. Eli & Bryna Lipson. Use the Contact Form below to reach them.
Youth Programs
Our mission is to educate, entertain, and inspire your children so that parents can enjoy a relaxing and meaningful Shul experience. We’ve had a tremendous year of programs and special projects and look forward to bringing many more exciting new initiatives this coming year.
Shabbos - Moms & Tots Program:
Every Shabbos from 10 am – Noon for children ages 0-2. The Shul has a room with a whole assortment of new toys and books to keep moms and toddlers happy.
Shabbos - Pre-School Program
Every Shabbos from 10:00 am – 11:30 am for toilet trained children ages 3–5. Fully supervised free play with Davening, Parsha, games, stories and snacks.
Shabbos - Boys Grades 1-3 Program
Every Shabbos from 10:00 am – 11:30 am for boys in grades 1-3. Davening, parsha, trivia, middos, games and prizes.
Shabbos - Boys Grade 4-6 Program
Every Shabbos from 10:30 am – 11:30 am for boys in grades 4-6. Chumash and Rashi, parsha trivia games, mishnayos and prizes.
Shabbos - Girls Grades 1-5 Program
Every Shabbos from 10:15 am – 11:15 am for girls in Grades 1-5. Davening, parsha, trivia, stories, games and prizes.
Shabbos - Girls Grades 6-8 Program
Every Shabbos from 10:15 am – 11:30 am for girls in grades 6-8. Discussions, games, divrei Torah and special speakers.
Shabbos - Youth Minyan
Every Shabbos from 9:15 am – 11:15 am for boys in grades 7 and up, followed by a special Kiddush. This minyan gives high school boys a chance to lead davening, lain, and develop as shul leaders.Yom Tov Programs
Youth programs for all ages on Yamim Noraim and all Yom Tovs except Simchas Torah and Pesach. Special programs, games, prizes, and foods. Babysitting for Kol Nidrei and/or Neilah. Special programs around Yom Tovim. All-night Shavuos learning program for boys aged 10 and up.
Youth Chanukah Party
A party for children of all ages. Featuring a variety of activities including: arts and crafts, face painting, great foods, treats, entertainment and prizes.
Youth Purim Party
A dress-up shul party for children of all ages. Prizes for best costumes. Featuring an assortment of activities, entertainment, and treats. Fun for children and parents alike.
Likras Shabbos Program
During the winter months, many boys add meaning to their Shabbos by learning Hilchos Shabbos every Erev Shabbos, 30 minutes before Friday Mincha.
Kesher L'Rav Program
Periodic Oneg Shabbos or Shalosh Seudos with the Rav, exclusively for boys grade 6+, to spend time and develop a kesher with our own Mora D’Asra.
Avos U'Vanim
During the winter months, maximize the long Motzai Shabbasos with learning, stories, prizes and surprises for boys of all ages.
Bas Mitzvah Program
A special program for Bas Mitzvah-age girls. Shiurim, crafts, and middos development.
Girls Oneg Shabbos
Seasonal Oneg Shabbos or Shalosh Seudos program for girls with special speakers, foods, and friends.
Youth Lag B'Omer BBQs
Year-end BBQs for participants of the Shul’s youth programs. An annual favourite.
Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim
Providing structure for high school students during Pesach and Sukkos Chol Hamoed, includes davening, breakfast and a morning learning program.
Yeshivas Mordechai Hatzaddik
Before the shaloch manos “rush”, an hour set aside for learning, stories and prizes.
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Cohen Family Youth Library
Thanks to a generous donation by Richard and Deborah Cohen. The SSCM Youth Commitee is pleased to announce the opening of the Cohen Family Youth Library. The Library is a wealth of Jewish childrens’ books and are intended for children to be used in the shul. Presently, the Library will be housed in the Women’s Gallery on the second floor and will soon be moved to the Shiur room. We encourage all the children to make use of these books and please ensure the books are returned once they are finished using them.
If you are interested in dedicating a book in honour of a friend or your child’s birthday please contact Yosi. We also welcome gently used books from any members who may no longer need them.
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Youth Newsletter
Edited weekly by Kovy Jacob, the SSCM Youth Newsletter is a must-read.
See the Newsletter Archive:
Contact the Youth Coordinators
Wed, September 18 2024
15 Elul 5784
Today's Calendar
: 6:45am |
: 7:00am |
: 7:30am |
: 8:30am |
: 6:00pm |
: 7:35pm |
: 8:15pm |
: 9:30pm |
: 9:45pm |
Kindly inform the office of any mistakes
Alos Hashachar | 5:35am |
Earliest Tallis | 6:09am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 7:01am |
Latest Shema | 10:06am |
Zman Tefillah | 11:08am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 1:11pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:42pm |
Mincha Ketana | 4:47pm |
Plag HaMincha | 6:04pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 7:21pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 8:06pm |
More >> |
There are no upcoming events at this time.