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Sorted By Amount


Sisterhood Purim Cards ($10+)

Aliyah Pledge ($18+)

General Donation ($18+)

Dedicate an Adult English Book to the Roth Library ($25+)

Dedicate a Sefer to our Seforim Replenishment Project ($25+)

Dedicate a Youth Book to the Cohen Youth Library ($25+)

Dedicate a Siddur ($36)

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Dedicate a Chumash ($54)

Dedicate a Tikkun after Shacharis (Basic $65, Deluxe $85)

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Sisterhood Shavuos Flowers for Friends ($125)

A Youth Avos Uvanim Program ($150)

A Week of Youth Programming ($180)

Shalosh Seudos ($300, split $225)

A Week of Learning (Weinbaum Learning Centre) ($360)

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Sorted by Description


Aliyah Pledge ($18+)

Dedicate an Adult English Book to the Roth Library ($25+)

Dedicate a Siddur ($36)

Dedicate a Chumash ($54)

Dedicate a Tikun after Shachris (Basic $65, Deluxe $85)

Dedicate a Shalosh Seudos ($300, split $225)

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Purim Cards ($10+)

General Donation ($18+)

Shavuos Flowers for Friends ($100)

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Weinbaum Learning Centre

Dedicate a Sefer to our Seforim Replenishment Project ($25+)

Sponsor a Week of Learning ($360)

Sponsor a Month of Learning ($1,800)

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Dedicate a Youth Book to the Cohen Youth Library ($25+)

Sponsor an Avos Uvanim Program ($150)

Sponsor a Week of Youth Programming ($180)

Sponsor a Month of Youth Programming (Contact the Shul Office)

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Shanfeld-Melnick Mikvah

Mikvah Grand Entrance

Mikvah Walkway

Men’s Change Area

Annual Maintenance

Mikvah Furnishings

Main Entrance Mezuzah

Mikvah Supplies (towels, etc)

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Morning Tikkun OptionsThe Shul offers two options for those wishing to sponsor a Tikkun after weekday Shacharis. Note: Shnapps is not included.

OPTION 1 ($45):

Two loaves of cakes

Shmaltz herring, tam tams, orange juice

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OPTION 2 ($75-$95):

$75- includes chocolate rogalach, cheese rogalach, herring, keichel, orange juice

$95- all of the above plus danishes

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Shabbos Kiddushim Options

The following options are for shul sponsored Shabbos Kiddushim in the Main Minyan, Hashkama Minyan or YMM  booked via the Shul Office or Yosi.  To book the social hall and caterer, please go to the Horenfeldt Social Hall Page.

Main Minyan

BASE OPTION 1: THE KIDDUSH ($360 + SET UP $100 + ADD-ONS if requested)

BBQ and Plain Potato Chips

Marble cake

Marinade Herring



Tam Tams

Whiskey* and Grape Juice

BASE OPTION 2: THE DELUXE KIDDUSH ($650 + SET UP $100 + ADD-ONS if requested)

BBQ and Plain Potato Chips

Chocolate Kokosh

Chocolate or lemon crème cake


Marinade Herring

Shmaltz Herring


Sugar kichel (nothings)

Whiskey* and Grape Juice


Kishka +$410

Potato Kugel +$360

Chulent +$360

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- The Shul provides one bottle of Scotch and one bottle of Rye.  You may provide your own whiskey, provided that it is approved in advance via Yosi.

- If the Kiddush being sponsored is a larger Kiddush, the Shul’s policy is that the Kiddush Sponsor must designate people to pour the whiskey to their guests (a bartender can be arranged at a cost).  Yosi will need to be advised of the designated people prior to Shabbos.

- The set up and clean up fee for a Kiddush is $100.

Top of this Section


Note: The shul doesn’t provide any whiskey.  However, you may provide your own or the shul can supply you with whiskey at a rate of $35/bottle (choice of whiskey or rye).

OPTION 1: THE KIDDUSH ($90 + Add-ons)

BBQ and Plain Potato Chips

Marble Cake

Marinade Herring



Tam Tams


BBQ and Plain Potato Chips

Chocolate Kokosh


Sugar Kichel (nothings)

Shmaltz Herring



Kugel +$70

Chulent +$70

Kishka +$95

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To sponsor a YMM Kiddush, please contact Yosi or speak to Amir Shuster.

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Shalosh Seudos

The standard sponsorship is $300

Multiple sponsors – 25% reduction per sponsor (e.g. 2 sponsors= $225 each)

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Contact Yosi

Yosi can be reached using the form below or leaving a message at 416-782-8849 ext. 3.



Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784