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Our Shul's committed and vibrant sisterhood adds depth and heart to our Kehillah. 

Comprised of busy singles, wives, mothers and professionals, our Sisterhood encourages participation through various learning programs, ongoing social activities and events. All women of the Shul are welcome to become involved with Sisterhood in any capacity. Whether it is running programs, volunteering with chessed opportunities or assisting in organizing events, being involved is a great way to meet up with old friends and foster new ones too!

The Shul is indebted to our current Co-Presidents, Elana Kleinman and Atara Anhang. Use the Contact Form below to reach them.

Sisterhood Progams

OPENING AND CLOSING SHALOSH SEUDOS: Start and end the year with a guest speaker and a social get together.

REGULAR PROGRAMS: Throughout the year look forward to various guest speakers, Rosh Chodesh events, Pirkei Avos, & Shiurim and different programs for women of the Shul.

SISTERHOOD SUCCOS TEA: Held every Succos, with a guest speaker address.

TRIBUTE CARDS FUNDRAISER: We are now offering tribute cards that can be sent to commemorate a special occasion. Consider sending a Sisterhood Tribute Card to honour your friends or family on the occasion of a birth, upsherin, Bar/Bas Mitzvah, engagement or any simcha.  As well, a tribute card can be sent in the event of an illness or loss.

PURIM CARDS FUNDRAISER: Our Sisterhood offers Purim cards that can be sent in lieu of, or in addition to, Mishloach Manos. Please look for more info posted before Purim.

SHAVUOS FLOWERS PROGRAM: A fundraiser held annually, in which flowers are sent on Erev Shavuos to every family in the Shul. Go to the Shavous Flowers Page.



Ohel Sarah Chessed

In memory of Mrs. Susan Goldberg A"H.

Our Ohel Sarah Chessed Organization has proven to be very helpful and is greatly appreciated by the beneficiaries.  We express our sincere gratitude to all our volunteers for their commitment of time and effort on behalf of this worthy chessed organization. We are always looking for more volunteers to help out.

If you would like to get involved as a volunteer, please contact any of the people whose names and numbers are listed below. Our projects include the following:

HACHNASAS ORCHIM: An innovative project to help enhance Hachnasas Orchim within our shul.

MEALS FOR MOM JUST ONE SHABBOS: A newborn initiative of the Shomrai Shabbos Sisterhood for all expectant mothers, where our Sisterhood volunteers prepare meals for one shabbos following the birth of a new baby. This is available to all shul members.

BIKUR CHOLIM: Co-ordinated by members to arrange for visits to homes and hospitals.

SHIVA MEALS: Co-ordinated by members to arrange for meals for those who are sitting shiva.

For info on any of these programs or to volunteer please use the contact form below. 



Sisterhood mailing list

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Contact the Sisterhood Presidents


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785