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SSCM Shavous Flowers For Friends

We are very excited to offer our Shavuos Flowers for Friends program once again. Through this program you have the unique opportunity to send fresh flowers/candies to your friends and relatives in our shul community.  Each family will receive a bouquet of flowers/candy tray in time for Shavuos.  A list of names of those who participate will accompany the gift.


To Order Use The Form Below


Pricing: Send to the entire list for only $125.

FINAL DEADLINE: Tuesday, May 21

For any further questions, call Mrs. Minda Wagschal at 416-456-6815Mrs Jodi Gottlieb at 416-782-7369 or the Shul Office at 416-782-8849 #2.

Thank you for your support and Chag Sameyach!





Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784